Under development
Who is running the new council more important how were they involved during the car
crash of a Community Project 2017-
From their electoral campaign they claim Transparency, good Governance and Financial Probity well we can prove different
Some may have seen a website ‘Hartlebury Facts’ and wondered what it was about, there
nothing to say who produced it, yet when you look at the coding it shows it’s Mike Tooley
now back on the Parish Hall Management Committee and does the Parish Magazine, yet the hall committee claimed he had nothing to do with the Hall, this was said in front of a solicitor he had nothing to do with them or those standing so why is there a page on the HF site? very odd indeed, we all know different, lies on top of lies and we know what happens when they get too big.
with the candidates on? To put it simply the hall have been trying their best to bury the carbuncle
of a project and putting the original building at risk.
Cllr Kevin Arnott is the Council's new Chair, previously in 2018-
Davis his partner was a Cllr during the major project which has had numerous issues.
She is also on the Parish Mag with Mike Tooley. She is also the secretary on the
Parish Hall and a trustee.
Please look at the following video with Cllr Arnott and Cllr Janice Hipkins who
was also a councillor 2016-
Follow this link for more on Janice
How did she cost the council £9300.00?
Watch the video what was Jan saying about a member of the public?
See what he has to say about village life considering he thought Hartlebury was just a catchments area for Kidderminster?
Cllr Arnott stated in his electioneering that he is focused on diligence and transparency. There is a problem with that since at their first meeting they have done away with Finance by committee, which has to have an Agenda and legal minutes, where the public can participate they have changed it to a Work Group format which in law has no standing. Just check out the statutes which NALC and CALC have to abide by.
Cllr Kirby his Election blurb on the Hartlebury Facts site stated the following:
I have lived in Hartlebury since 1984, retired Purchasing professional now running a successful Boarding Kennels in Hartlebury that won the Business of Distinction Award in 2017. I was a Parish Council member from May 2011–Sept 2019 (Vice Chairman from May 2012–2019). I’m currently serving on the Parish Hall Management Committee since May 2013 (Secretary 2016–2020, Chair 2020–2023). If elected I would strive to reinstate monthly meetings, keep the precept low and ensure money is spent wisely.
You need to know the following: Ray Kirby was the Chair of the Village hall 2018
to May 2023 and is now the vice chair, there is a major issue in that the Hartlebury
Parish Hall have taken legal action against the Parish Council, which they appear
to be covering up. Watch the video, Cllr Kirby was nowhere to be seen for 1 hour
43 minutes until the legal action was questioned by Cllr Louise T-
Above Louise TH gave Cllr Kirby the documents he had no rights seeing. No different from what happened in 2014 when he was vice chair signing a cheque to a group he had an interest in.
For one previous Councillor there is a bigger story of systemic bullying from Parish, District including a County Councillor over six years please refer to their story.
Coming as soon as the legal proceeding are dealt with
Dear Electors of Hartlebury if you watch the video towards the end there is a very good question raised by an observant member of the public regards the the issues with the Project that cost approximately £480,000.00 inc VAT unfortunately we didn’t get what we paid for. Those now on are trying to cover it up, since they have a personal interest.
Find out more by clicking on the broom
The first meeting was just too well polished considering 70% of the new incumbent
are total novices Click on the fledgling.